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Mindfulness is the knowledge which derives from the deliberate and without criticism commitment in the present moment and things, just as they are. It is the situation in which someone is centered, has awareness in here and now in the present moment. We begin to live on today in the present moment. When we stop thinking about the past or worrying about the future we open ourselves to a wealth of information, which we ignored.  Being vigilant means that we suspend for a while the crisis, we put aside our goals for the future and we accept the present as it is and not as we would like it to be.


During our daily lives we easily forget that we live in the present, because we start thinking about our old life events or future situations. These thoughts absorb us so much that we truly feel to live them. We do not only diverge from the true reality, the here and now but also experience the agony of events that either belong to the past. We all operate with the autopilot on a daily basis and we all know that it often leads us somewhere else from where we wanted to get at first. So, in this way slowly, minute after minute life slips out of our hands. Permanently preoccupied in thoughts about something else we are almost never present at what is happening now. We are imagining that we will be happy when we will be somewhere else, at another time. Only then we will find time to relax. So we postpone our happiness instead of accepting what we experience at this moment. So we loose the moments of everyday life and if we are not careful we can even loose our whole life.


The practice of mindfulness teaches us how to turn to the state of being, so that we can accept our feelings, besides which are not our enemies, but messengers who connect us more essentially with the adventure and the experiences which compose our lives.


When we gain greater awareness for the situation of existence we live for today, we disconnect the autopilot of our mind, we stop the thoughts, we perceive the thoughts more as a mental activity which comes and goes like the clouds in the sky, despite as an unquestionable reality.


The term mindfulness refers to keeping alive our conscience in this reality. The practice of mindfulness strengthens concentration and calms the mind.





Mindfulness can help to reduce daily stress, panic attacks, psychological- emotional pressure but also reduce blood pressure, headaches, chronic pain, sleep disorders, asthma.


Alertness is neither difficult nor complicated. The challenge lies to remember to be conscious.